About Credit Unions 

Credit unions are member-owned cooperatives 

In Louisiana, nearly 900,000 citizens belong to one of nearly 300 credit unions.  That's about 1 of every 3 adults in our state. 

All credit unions offer loans and savings accounts, and many provide 
access to checking accounts, ATM/debit cards, and many other financial services.  Credit unions don't have customers...all members cooperatively own the credit union.  The institution is operated by a member-elected volunteer Board of Directors.  Unlike banks and thrifts, credit unions pay their directors no compensation. 

Credit unions generally offer better rates and lower fees.  Because of their cooperative form of ownership, credit unions of all sizes are exempt from taxation. 

You can find out more about credit unions by visiting the Credit Union National Association or other credit union links.   You may also call the Louisiana Credit Union League at (800) 452-7221. 

Looking for a credit union near you? Click the link below to use our member credit union finder map:

CU Finder
CU Finder CU Finder CU Finder




Louisiana Corporate Credit Union 
3500 North Causeway Blvd., Suite 1510 
Metairie, Louisiana 70002 
(504) 838-8250  - (504) 838-8822 fax   (800) 421-7030 toll free

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